USB Hubs not recognizing all connected devices

Created: Modified: Knowledge Base

Mac We’ve found that on newer Mac Launchpads, you may see an issue where not all connected devices via a USB hub are recognized.  This is most likely due to the Mac’s default power management settings, which limits the number of USB devices that can be connected at once. To troubleshoot this issue: Log onto you Mac as an Administrator … Read More


Created: Modified: Documentation

Support for custom attributes is available throughout the system for both for Devices and for Launchpads. Create, edit and delete attributes from the Admin > Attributes tab in the MAM admin console: Imprivata has integrated support for custom fields deeply into the system. For example: Upload a spreadsheet to associate “Store ID” with serial numbers. For more information, see Devices. Attributes can be used in … Read More

GroundControl Launchpad Files

Created: Modified: Knowledge Base

Mac Preferences: ~/Library/Preferences/com.GroundControl.gcservice.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.GroundControl.GroundControl-Launchpad.plist Asset Cache: ~/Library/Application Support/GroundControl/Content Downloads/ Pairing Records: ~/Library/Application Support/GroundControl/Pairing Records.db Windows Preferences: HKCU:\Software\GroundControl Solutions\GroundControl These are found under keys named groundcontrolconsole and GroundControl Launchpad Asset Cache: %LOCALAPPDATA%\GroundControl\Content Downloads\ Pairing Records: %LOCALAPPDATA%\GroundControl\Pairing Records.db Windows Shared Install Preferences: Both are under keys named groundcontrolconsole and GroundControl Launchpad 32-bit Win: HKLM:\Software\GroundControl Solutions\GroundControl 64-bit Win: HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\GroundControl Solutions\GroundControl Asset Cache: %ProgramData%\GroundControl ... Read More