GroundControl Launchpad Files

Created: Modified: Knowledge Base

Mac Preferences: ~/Library/Preferences/com.GroundControl.gcservice.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.GroundControl.GroundControl-Launchpad.plist Asset Cache: ~/Library/Application Support/GroundControl/Content Downloads/ Pairing Records: ~/Library/Application Support/GroundControl/Pairing Records.db Windows Preferences: HKCU:\Software\GroundControl Solutions\GroundControl These are found under keys named groundcontrolconsole and GroundControl Launchpad Asset Cache: %LOCALAPPDATA%\GroundControl\Content Downloads\ Pairing Records: %LOCALAPPDATA%\GroundControl\Pairing Records.db Windows Shared Install Preferences: Both are under keys named groundcontrolconsole and GroundControl Launchpad 32-bit Win: HKLM:\Software\GroundControl Solutions\GroundControl 64-bit Win: HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\GroundControl Solutions\GroundControl Asset Cache: %ProgramData%\GroundControl ... Read More

Create an iOS Backup

Created: Modified: Knowledge Base

iOS Backup files include device settings from the Settings app, home and lock screen images, icon arrangement and app content and settings. Backups do NOT contain apps or iTunes media. GroundControl allows you to restore a single backup to many devices and we support encrypted and non-encrypted backups. In this way, you can control settings that aren’t available to MDM. For example, … Read More