Using APIs, this action provides the ability to send specific MDM commands to devices. The MDMs below provide the ability to delete or retire the device plus additional actions.
IMPORTANT: Some actions may not be available, depending on the MDM system or the OS of the devices. See the detailed information in the MDMs below.
Pre-Enrollment Actions
- Clear Passcode: This option will clear the passcode of a device even if the device is not erased or re-provisioned.
- Remove Tag IDs: You may remove any tags associated with a device in Workspace ONE. This can be done without erasing the device or deleting its enrollment. Keep in mind MAM accepts only tag IDs, not tag names.
- Delete from AirWatch: This will delete the device which ensures that the enrollment is treated as “new”.
- Assign DEP Profile
- Pre-register to Username: This feature provides the option of assigning a DEP device to a specific user after activation. This is helpful if you want to use a profile that doesn’t require authentication, which will require a user name and password. Not available for Android devices in MAM 6.0.
- Lookup Username: this feature allows MAM to fetch user details, such as first and last name and email, which can be used elsewhere in a workflow. These are found under User Attributes.
Post-Enrollment Actions
- Set Organization Group ID: This will change the Organization Group after the DEP device is activated, and will move it from existing to another.
- Set Device Tag IDs: You may assign a comma-delimited list of AirWatch tags to the device. GroundControl accepts only tag IDs, not tag names.
- Set Asset Number: This will set Asset Number in Airwatch based on the data set in GroundControl.
- Set Friendly Name: You may also assign device(s) a name of your choice. This is helpful for easier identification.
- Assign Stages Device to User: Use the AirWatch checkout APIs to assign the device to the specified user. For more details, see this knowledge base article.
This MDM is not supported for Android devices in GroundControl 6.0 and later.
Pre-Enrollment Actions
- Clear Passcode: This option will clear the passcode of a device even if the device is not erased or re-provisioned.
- Delete from Jamf Pro: This will delete the device which ensures that the enrollment is treated as “new”.
Post-Enrollment Actions
- Assign Staged Device to User: Use the Jamf Pro checkout APIs to assign the device to the specified user.
Pre-Enrollment Actions
- Clear Passcode: This option will clear the passcode of a device even if the device is not erased or re-provisioned. Not available for Android devices in GroundControl 6.0.
- Delete: This will unenroll and delete the device from Intune’s records. It may take several minutes before the device no longer appears in the Intune console.
Post-Enrollment Actions
- Add to Assigned Groups: here, you can add plain text of a static group name, or multiple group names, separated by commas and optional spaces.
- Sync: This option mirrors Intune’s Sync button, and requests that the device check in with Intune. This function may speed Intune’s app and profile installations.
This MDM is not supported for Android devices in GroundControl 6.0 and later.
Pre-Enrollment Actions
- Assign to User ID: Assigns the device to the specified user. Only supported on non-DEP workflows.
- Retire device (if already enrolled): This will retire the device, which ensures that the enrollment is treated as “new”.
- Clear Passcode: This option will clear the passcode of a device even if the device is not erased or re-provisioned.
- The Clear Passcode API call requires that the Manage device, restricted role permission be granted to a user with the necessary role in Ivanti Endpoint Manager Mobile.
Post-Enrollment Actions
- Set Device Labels: Specify a list of comma-delimited labels to assign to a device after successful enrollment. If you use an attribute for labels, each device can have unique labels. You must create the labels in your MDM before using them in GroundControl.
- Convert unmanaged apps to managed: If you’re installing an Enterprise App using GroundControl, Ivanti Endpoint Manager Mobile can establish trust with any app it finds on a device. For more info, see this knowledge base article.
- Set Custom Device Attributes: if you have created custom device attributes in Ivanti Endpoint Manager Mobile, you can use the data set in GroundControl to populate this field.
This MDM is not supported for Android devices in GroundControl 6.0 and later.
- Retire device (if already enrolled): This will retire the device, which ensures that the enrollment is treated as “new”.
- Assign to Username: This feature provides the option of assigning a DEP device to a specific user after activation. This is helpful if you want to use a profile that doesn’t require authentication, which will require a user name and password.
This MDM is only available for Android devices in GroundControl 6.3 and later.
Pre-Enrollment Actions
- Clear Passcode: Clears the passcode of a device even if the device is not erased or re-provisioned. Android and OTA Workflows only.
- Delete from Knox Manage: Deletes the device which ensures that the enrollment is treated as “new”.
This MDM is only available for Android devices in GroundControl 6.2 and later.
Pre-Enrollment Actions
- Delete: This will un-enroll and delete the device from SOTI’s records. It may take several minutes before the device no longer appears in the SOTI MobiControl console.
- Clear Passcode: Clears the passcode of a device even if the device is not erased or re-provisioned.