Install & Register Launchpads

Created: Modified: Documentation

The Launchpad is Mobile Access Management’s software for Mac or Windows PC. This software receives instructions from the MAM Server in the cloud. By installing the MAM Launchpad software onto your organization’s Windows PCs and Macs you may create many Launchpads for simultaneous, distributed device deployments.

There are two types of Launchpad installers:

  • Interactive Launchpad installers – for Mac and Windows. See Interactive Installers.
    • Use the interactive Launchpad installers to configure single Launchpads as part of a test in your organization.
    • You will need to manually register the Launchpad installed via the interactive installer.
    • Console users, device managers, and Launchpad-only roles only have access to the interactive installers.
    • Automated installation, using a SCCM system to package and distribute the Launchpad software and dependencies, is also supported by the interactive Launchpad installers.
  • Mass deployment installers – for Windows. See Mass Deployment Installers.
    • Use the mass deployment installers to configure multiple Launchpads within your organization.
    • When you download the Mass deployment installer, MAM automatically generates a registration token and a command line string that your desktop engineering team will use to automatically install and register the Launchpads to your organization.
    • Console admins can download Mass deployment installer builds and generate registration tokens.
    • Tokens are managed in Admin > Launchpads > Launchpad Registration Tokens for Mass Deployment. For more information, see Manage Launchpad Registration Tokens for Mass Deployment.
Interactive Launchpad Installers

There are two tasks involved in using the interactive Launchpad installers: Installing the Interactive Launchpad software, and registering the Launchpad.

Below are instructions for interactive installation for Mac and Windows.

Register the Launchpad

After installation, you must register the Launchpad using a Mobile Access Management user and password. Below are instructions for interactive registration and automated registration.

Mass Deployment Installers

NOTE: This method only applies to the Mass deployment installers.

  1. Log into the MAM admin console and navigate to the Launchpads tab, and click Download Launchpad.
    1. In the Download Launchpad dialog, select Mass deployment installer.
    2. Select the registration token expiration interval from the list.
    3. Select Windows from the Select OS list and click Download.
      The Mass deployment installer for Windows is downloaded to your local computer. MAM generates a command line string for automatically registering the Launchpad.
    4. Click the copy icon to copy the command line string to your clipboard. Save this information.
      The command line string should appear similar to the examples below:

      msiexec /i "MAMMassInstaller-x64-6.6.0 (12410).msi" GCTOKEN=12345abc-cede-4d9d-90b5-9de0ea78591e


  • GCHOST is the MAM Server hostname. For most organizations, this is If you are using a dedicated cluster, use the correct name for your organization in the GCHOST argument
  • GCPROXY is the optional unauthenticated proxy:port. If missing, no proxy is used.
  • GCLPNAME is the optional Launchpad name. If missing, the PC name is used.