Aiva Assistant

Created: Documentation

Aiva Assistant v1.3.0 is integrated with Mobile Access Management for iOS.

Sign In

Aiva Assistant uses SAML to sign users into the application. Aiva Assistant must be configured by Aiva to open a third party IdP/sign in page. End users will not have to enter their credentials manually as long as this sign in page supports Apple Enterprise Autofill. End users will not manually enter their credentials directly into Aiva.

Imprivata always suggests testing your preferred third party IdP/Sign in page in a test environment before moving to production, as we cannot test or validate that every one of these sign in pages is compatible with both Aiva and Imprivata. Imprivata is not responsible for third party support for Apple Enterprise Autofill.

	<global verCreate="5.6" verLastMod="6.2"/>
		<app desc="Aiva Assistant" nm="Aiva Assistant" profileType="2" appType="2">
			<env nm="Android" type="100">
			<scn auto="0" dgs="1" nm="">
				<ctl cls="" nm="noAutofill" var="USR"/>
				<ctl cls="" nm="noAutofill" var="PWD"/>
Sign Out

MAM can sign out of an open Aiva Assistant session at device check in using a Universal Link Callback.

Select Aiva Assistant from the dropdown menu in MAM or manually add a the ULC link under Admin > App Logout