Doximity Amion

Created: Documentation

Doximity Amion (Amion – Clinician Scheduling on the App Store ( version 8.27.0 is integrated with GroundControl for iOS. 

Sign In

Doximity Amion uses Apple Enterprise Password Autofill to sign users into the application.  

    <global verCreate="6.0" verLastMod="6.0"/>
        <app nm="Doximity Amion" desc="Doximity Amion" profileType="2" appType="0">
            <env type="200" nm="iOS">
                <scn nm="" auto="0" dgs="1">
                    <ctl var="USR"/>
                    <ctl var="PWD"/>

Sign Out

GroundControl can sign out of an open Amion session at device check in

Select Doximity Amion from the dropdown menu in GroundControl or manually add a the ULC link under Admin > App Logout: