Documentation Updates

Created: Modified: Documentation

The following feature documentation was recently updates in Imprivata Mobile Access Management.

6.7 User Acceptance Test (UAT)
Feature SummaryArticle Links
Launchpad Display for End UsersLaunchpad Display for End Users
Epic API Logout
(formerly Enhanced Epic Logout)
Epic Apps and Mobile Access Management
iOS Express Checkout supports Set Attribute actioniOS Express Checkout
Locker Android: Support Launching Multiple AppsAutomatically Launch Apps after Checkout – Android
Feature SummaryArticle Links
iOS Express Check Out (public preview)iOS Express Checkout
Create and Edit Workflows
Mass Deploy Launchpads (Windows)Install and Register Launchpads
Manage Launchpad Registration Tokens for Mass Deployment
Configure a default domainConfigure a Default Domain
TigerConnect on iOSTigerConnect on iOS
TigerConnect on AndroidTigerConnect on Android