Interlace Health Go

Created: Modified: Documentation

Interlace Health Go (Interlace Health Go on the App Store) version 2.2.0 is integrated with GroundControl.

Sign In

Interlace Health Go uses Apple Enterprise Password Autofill to sign users into the application.

    <global verCreate="6.0" verLastMod="6.0"/>
        <app nm="Interlace Health Go" desc="Interlace Health Go" profileType="2" appType="0">
            <env type="200" nm="iOS">
                <scn nm="" auto="0" dgs="1">
                    <ctl var="USR"/>
                    <ctl var="PWD"/>
Sign Out

GroundControl can sign out of an open Interlace Health Go session at device check in. Select Interlace Health Go from the dropdown menu within GroundControl.